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Youngs Around the World » Packing

When you’re traveling for 18 months, you have to pack light!  Above is a picture of our pile of stuff and below is our rough list of what we actually packed.  However, after about a week on the road, we ended up leaving even more behind to lighten our load.  Oh, and we had our camera stolen in Egypt so that helped as well.  As any sage traveler will tell you, “Don’t bring anything that you’re not willing to lose.”

Clothes/Shoes Other Essentials Electronics
trail runners first-aid kit w/antibiotics IBM ThinkPad laptop
Teva sandals travel pillow Canon Elph digital camera
flip flops money belt Nikon D40 dslr camera
waterproof jacket waterproof stuff sack Brookstone travel adapter
fleece vest toiletries chargers, cords, etc.
hat Nalgene water bottle
long sleeve shirts head lamp
short sleeve shirts water purifier
button down shirts journal
convertible pants playing cards
swimsuit books
socks electronic translator
underwear scuba mask
shorts locks/cable
bandana towel
headscarf silk sleep sack
convertible skirt mosquito net
tank tops poncho
sarong bug spray