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Youngs Around the World » Preparing to Leave
August 10th 2007 by Aaron & Tina
Preparing to Leave

Posted under U.S.

Our house finally sold after more than 100 days on the market! In North Texas we were told that houses sit on the market for an average of 65+ days, but that doesn’t make waiting any easier. The suspense nearly killed us.

On March 17th, 2007 we made it official. We would quit our jobs and travel the world. Such a ludicrous idea was certainly not without much deliberation. We are both very passionate about travel and this was an idea which we’ve talked about since we first started dating. This time Tina brought up the subject. I don’t know why it was different this time…why we actually decided to turn our dream into reality. Maybe it was because we realized that there’s no time like now to do such an extraordinary thing…before we have children and settle down in suburbia with a picture-perfect life (again!). Or maybe we just need a break from “Corporate America” to do something different. Whatever the reason, I don’t think we’ll ever regret it.

Since we made that fateful decision I spent the next two months obsessively planning the details of our impending epic adventure (certainly driving Tina crazy in the process). After losing some of the initial enthusiasm as we waited for our house to sell, we’re back to frantically planning.  We are so excited!  This is all we think about anymore. How can we think about anything else? This is easily the most courageous, exhilarating, expansive thing that either of us has ever considered.

We finalized almost all of the “big stuff” and a lot of the details. The house is sold, most of our earthly belongings were sold and what remained is now in an 10’x18′ climate-controlled storage unit. Travel insurance is purchased, initial plane tickets booked, “rough” itinerary prepared, and we’ve resigned from our jobs (although I will continue working through the end of August).  Our wonderful dog Lena, is going to stay with grandma in Phoenix for a while.  We leave next week to drop her off…ugggghhhh. The good news is that with each day that passes we are able to continue saving more money, spend time with good friends, and look forward to the epic adventure ahead.


19 Responses to “Preparing to Leave”

  1. George Jenson on 10 Aug 2007 at 3:55 pm #

    You two rock!

    Jennifer and I will join you next year in Eastern Europe and will follow your exploits here.


  2. Valerie Simpson on 12 Aug 2007 at 7:38 pm #

    I am Aaron’s Mom and I am so very proud to know that Tina and Aaron are fulfilling a lifetime dream. One that many will envy. I look forward to learning of their regular update and experiences. God Speed, Hugs, Mom

  3. Yanni Coutris on 13 Aug 2007 at 7:12 am #

    you bastards im jealous, have fun and be careful

  4. Stuart Schultz on 14 Aug 2007 at 12:38 pm #

    Turns out Shannon’s parents will be living in Vienna, Austria for the next 3 years (that’s the current plan). I’ll have to put you guys in touch when you make it there next year.

    And when in Thailand, get out of Bangkok quickly and see Chang Mai (North) and Phuket (South), the sea canoeing there is not to be missed. See link.

    Can’t wait to get the updates.

  5. Emily Barudin on 15 Aug 2007 at 6:58 pm #

    I am sooo excited for you guys! Very envious of what your both doing and know you’ll treasure this experience! Awesome guys!!
    Safe travels- Love ya!

  6. Alexis Coutris on 21 Aug 2007 at 2:55 pm #

    Kalo Taxithi!!! Tina, Thank-you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to meet up with me. It was equally a pleasure to have your mother-in-law as well as Liz with us. I can not wait to see where you will embark to next. Please send your darling hubby my best!! All my love, Alexis

  7. Amy & Eric Arnold on 26 Aug 2007 at 8:22 pm #

    Good luck and best wishes Tina and Aaron! We will miss you in Texas:) I’ll be checking this site all the time to see all your updates.

    Safe Travels,

    The Arnold’s

  8. Kelli and Paul Smith on 29 Aug 2007 at 9:32 am #

    What an awesome experience!! We are looking forward to keeping up with your journey and hope to meet you somewhere along the way. Best of luck!

  9. Jean Nelson on 29 Aug 2007 at 3:01 pm #

    Tina and Aaron- Hope you have a wonderful time (impossible not to), be careful and call your mom. I will watch your website!!

  10. Trisha and Seph on 30 Aug 2007 at 7:11 pm #

    Have a wonderful time! I was looking at your itinerary and it looks like you will be in Japan Jan 4-11. We would love to see you! We are getting a 3 bedroom apartment so you are more than welcome to stay with us and meet little Kate:) Happy travels, Trish and Seph

  11. Mom & Dad on 01 Sep 2007 at 6:32 am #

    Tini & Aaron – You’re not to Boston yet & we miss you already. Love.

  12. Lena Dog on 01 Sep 2007 at 9:22 pm #

    I have been at Grandma’s for a week and a half now without Mom and Dad. I miss them! I am finding that I am adjusting just fine to the non-routine of Grandma’s schedule. I never know when she leaves it I’ll be alone for and hour or 6 hours. That’s the longest time she has ever left me. I like that she is home a lot!

    I’ve met a couple of other dogs in the neighborhood because Grandma takes me for a long walk every morning. We did take a few rides in the car too and Grandma takes me for runs in the park every day. Wow, it’s hot here in Phoenix! The pavement is so hot that I have learned to walk mostly on the grass and sometimes Grandma has to carry me. But that’s ok because I like to tease her that I am going to like her face.

    I get really close to her face and breathe on her near her nose and ears. I know she doesn’t like to be licked though so I don’t do it. I really want to, I know when I do lap time is over!

    When grandma has to leave me at home, she puts me behind the dreaded doggie gate. I’ve been working slowly at disassembling it though. I’ve worked off all of the little plastic holders that held the PVC in place. Now all that’s left are the bars.

    A couple of times I’ve actually gotten out by moving the gate away from the wall. Grandma figured a way to anchor it to the wall, darn it. Now it’s locked down so that it doesn’t move anymore.

    When she sits at the table to eat, she won’t feed me. I have learned that when I beg I get nothing when she’s finished. When I don’t beg and just wait out of her line of sight, as soon as she’s finished eating I get some really great table scraps or a doggie treat. Yummy!

    I’m finding that I’d rather sleep in my carrier kennel than on my doggie bed, it’s much, more cozy. I hear tell Grandma is going to buy a larger one for me to sleep in. Grandma even comments about my snoring, do I snore?

    I’m a happy dog in AZ and looking forward to cooler weather and long walks in the afternoon.

    Have a great trip! I’ll get grandma to send a note again soon.


  13. Lena Dog on 03 Sep 2007 at 2:58 pm #

    We went for a really long walk this morning, I am so glad it was cooler at 5am, only 85*, I bit early but that’s ok, Grandma likes to get up early.

    Me and Grandma went to PetsMart today and she bought me a brand new furry pad to sleep on in my larger kennel. It’s got a lot of room, I could even do a sleep over with Winnie. I hope Boston is lots of fun.

    Lots of kisses, Lena

  14. Hill on 04 Sep 2007 at 10:19 am #

    You’re on your way!
    What a wonderful way it will be!

  15. Erik & Lindsay on 04 Sep 2007 at 2:20 pm #

    Hey Tina & Aaron,

    Have an amazing time! We’ll just miss you in Paris — we’re going at the end of September, but it looks like you’ll be playing Moses by then. Look forward to reading about your adventures!

    – Erik & Lindsay

  16. Duke on 04 Sep 2007 at 8:06 pm #

    Good luck Tina!
    Be safe.

  17. Little Sister Natalie on 04 Sep 2007 at 8:13 pm #

    Tini and Aaron,

    I miss you very much. Can’t believe it takes a trip around the world for me to realize how much I am wanting you to be home already.

    Christmas and Thanksgiving won’t be the same without you. I promise to visit Lena Ballerina when we’re in AZ for Thanksgiving.

    I was so excited to see your Boston pictures posted already. Looks like you had a great time. I can’t wait to pick a destination to meet you – Springtime, perhaps???

    In case you didn’t know, fun facts:

    Paris: The City of Paris has about 2,160,000 people living there and it covers about 41 square miles. Paris has over 70 Museums, monuments and cultural tourist stops.

    In closing:

    Be safe…and most of all, have fun. Take lots of pictures. I will be checking the website EVERY DAY. And if I see more than a few days go by without photos, I will be sending a SWAT team to find you.

    I love you.

  18. Mark on 06 Sep 2007 at 8:39 am #

    This isn’t a note for Aaron and Tina…

    Truth be told i was happy to see them go: staying in my bedroom while i sleep on an undignified air mattress, eating all my Fra Diablo, oohing and ahhing over how cute their little rat-dog is in the pictures graciously furnished by Valerie (I will say, that dog’s cuteness does belie just how ferocious she really is), and most egregiously telling war stories (of dubious validity) to Mer about the Kappa Sig days 🙂

    But rather, this is a message for Lizzy, Natalie, Valerie, Mom and Dad W.

    We MUST get together in AZ over Thanksgiving…although the ASU vs. UofA game is a week later this year (yet another ridiculous move by the NCAA), we’ll have lots to talk about…we’ll discuss Aaron and Tina’s international exploits, Lena’s latest assaults on squirrel stuffed animals, and if we get bored we can harass Lizzy’s boyfriend with a barrage of questions about when-will-the-next-IA-wedding-be?! Would love to see you all, what’s the plan?

    Shoot me a note: mark_rooney@mckinsey.com

  19. Jean Nelson on 21 Sep 2007 at 11:25 am #

    Tina and Aaron- It has been two days with no news. I can’t stand it. I am addicted to your site. You must write a book when you return. We are off on a 2 day camping trip-Em, David,Jay,Rich and me-do you believe it-me in a tent for 2 nights? Anyway I hope to read more when we return. Enjoy!!!

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